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What Should We Do If The Water In Our Equipment After A Rainstorm?
Publication Date: 2023-07-21
1. Disconnect the power and shutdown

The first thing to do when returning to work after a rainstorm is to switch off the power to protect the equipment and personal safety.

2. Cleaning and inspection
Clean the sludge and dirt on and in the equipment, and check whether there is any damage to the equipment when the situation permits, and deal with it in time.

3. Replacement of lubricating oil
If there is a lot of water inlet, all the old lubricants need to be extracted and replaced with brand new pure lubricants to avoid causing more losses, avoiding wastage, reducing the discharge of waste oil and also reducing the cost of oil change.

4. Test
After cleaning and checking as well as oil change operation are completed, switch on the machine and turn on the power to check whether the oil supply is normal, whether the sealing of each part is good, and whether the operation can reach the production standard. After everything is in good condition, it can start normal operation.

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